
On this page, you can find information about past and future events we're either hosting or involved with.


Live webinar: Introduction to LiveMore | 8th April 2024

Hosted by Matt Evans, our head of underwriting and Les Pick, our director of intermediary sales, this webinar offers mortgage brokers, advisers and other intermediaries the opportunity to learn more about our products. Send in your questions, including how our mortgage products could be a good fit for your clients.

Register for the webinar.


Live webinar: Case Clinic | 13th February 2024

This webinar was hosted by Matt Evans, our head of underwriting. The session offered mortgage brokers, advisers and other intermediaries the opportunity to learn more about our products. They did so by asking questions relating to their clients' cases in the context of our lending criteria.

Watch the webinar on YouTube.


Later Life Lending Event at Hilton Bankside, London | January 25 2024

As brokers and lenders came together for this later life lending event, our director of intermediary sales, Les Pick moderated the fireside chat.

We also held a stand at the event where our BDMs met with mortgage brokers, advisers and more. Check out photos from the event.


Live webinar: Knowledge Bank's Lender Spotlight with LiveMore Mortgages | January 23 2024

This webinar updated brokers and other intermediaries on the lending landscape for the over 50s. Les Pick, our director of intermediary sales, and Matt Evans, our head of underwriting, spoke about why they believe people are never too old to get a mortgage that’s right for them. Attendees also posed questions to Les and Matt about our lending criteria and more.

Watch the webinar on YouTube.