LiveMore - Explore and Compare Our Mortgage Options

Our interest only, capital repayment and lifetime mortgage products are designed for a range of lifestyles and financial circumstances.

We offer a broad range of products

Find out more about the four products we offer

Standard Capital & Interest

Whether you're working or retired, you can apply for of our capital repayment mortgage starting at age 50.

Choose a term up to 40 years and pay the capital and interest each month, owing us nothing in the end.

Standard Interest Only

Whether you are a working or retired, we offer Standard Interest Only mortgages when you reach the age of 50.

You only need to pay the interest each month, and you choose the term length (of up to 40 years), unlike a Retirement Interest Only (RIO) mortgage, which has no specified end date.

Retirement Interest Only (RIO)

Our Retirement Interest Only (RIO) mortgage is available from age 50, whether you're working or retired.

It has no end date so you may never need another mortgage.

Lifetime Mortgage

A type of equity release where you receive your mortgage as a lump sum and don't have to make monthly payments.

You can pay some or all the interest each month if you want. If you don't, this interest is added to what you owe and compounds (or 'rolls up') over time.

A little more info about our products

Standard Capital & InterestStandard Interest Only Retirement Interest Only (RIO)Lifetime Mortgage
Minimum Age50505055
Minimum loan amount£10k£10k£10k£10k
Maximum loan amount£1m£1m£1m£750k
Maximum LTV85%70% 75%Age dependent
Affordability assessment?YesYesYesNo
Monthly payments requiredInterest + CapitalInterestInterestNone
Maximum term40 years40 yearsNo maximumNo maximum